Sumérgete en la belleza romántica de las flores de Malva.

Mallows flower is a suitable flower to cultivate in tropical and temperate climates. It blooms year-round and its stunning beauty has made it highly sought after by flower enthusiasts, especially during festive occasions. To avoid the crowds and ensure a supply of mallows flower for special occasions, you can easily grow them from seeds at home.

Characteristics of the Mallows Flower

The Mallows flower, also known as Trimestris Lavatera in English, belongs to the Malvaceae family and originates from Latin. It is a plant commonly grown for ornamental purposes around the house, in decorative pots, or for cut flower arrangements. A cut Mallows flower can remain fresh and vibrant for 7 to 12 days without wilting.

Here are the key characteristics of the Mallows flower:

  • Stem: The plant has small bushy stems that reach a height of 50 to 60cm. It branches out extensively, forming a wide, round canopy of about 30 to 45cm in diameter.
  • Flowers: Mallows flowers are large and have delicate, curving petals. They bloom regularly and abundantly, primarily from early summer to mid-autumn.
  • Colors: The flowers come in various colors, including pink, white, red, and purple. However, the most common and widely cultivated colors in our country are pink and white.

The Mallows flower’s captivating appearance and vibrant hues make it a popular choice for both garden landscaping and indoor decoration. Whether as a standalone plant or part of a floral arrangement, the Mallows flower adds a touch of elegance and beauty to any setting.

Mallows Flower images

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Mallows Flower (1)

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